www.gusucode.com > matlab编程NSCT分解 图像融合 各个融合指标评价体系 分解源码程序 > matlab编程NSCT分解 图像融合 各个融合指标评价体系 分解源码程序/NSCT/extend2.m

    function y = extend2(x, ru, rd, cl, cr, extmod)
% EXTEND2   2D extension
%	y = extend2(x, ru, rd, cl, cr, extmod)
% Input:
%	x:	input image
%	ru, rd:	amount of extension, up and down, for rows
%	cl, cr:	amount of extension, left and rigth, for column
%	extmod:	extension mode.  The valid modes are:
%		'per':		periodized extension (both direction)
%		'qper_row':	quincunx periodized extension in row
%		'qper_col':	quincunx periodized extension in column
% Output:
%	y:	extended image
% Note:
%	Extension modes 'qper_row' and 'qper_col' are used multilevel
%	quincunx filter banks, assuming the original image is periodic in 
%	both directions.  For example:
%		[y0, y1] = fbdec(x, h0, h1, 'q', '1r', 'per');
%		[y00, y01] = fbdec(y0, h0, h1, 'q', '2c', 'qper_col');
%		[y10, y11] = fbdec(y1, h0, h1, 'q', '2c', 'qper_col'); 
% See also:	FBDEC
[rx, cx] = size(x);
switch extmod
    case 'per'
	I = getPerIndices(rx, ru, rd);
	y = x(I, :);
	I = getPerIndices(cx, cl, cr);
	y = y(:, I);
    case 'qper_row'
	rx2 = round(rx / 2);
	y = [[x(rx2+1:rx, cx-cl+1:cx); x(1:rx2, cx-cl+1:cx)], x, ...
	     [x(rx2+1:rx, 1:cr); x(1:rx2, 1:cr)]];
	I = getPerIndices(rx, ru, rd);
	y = y(I, :);	
    case 'qper_col'
	cx2 = round(cx / 2);
	y = [x(rx-ru+1:rx, cx2+1:cx), x(rx-ru+1:rx, 1:cx2); x; ...
	     x(1:rd, cx2+1:cx), x(1:rd, 1:cx2)];
	I = getPerIndices(cx, cl, cr);
	y = y(:, I);
	error('Invalid input for EXTMOD')

% Internal Function(s)
function I = getPerIndices(lx, lb, le)

I = [lx-lb+1:lx , 1:lx , 1:le];

if (lx < lb) | (lx < le)
    I = mod(I, lx);
    I(I==0) = lx;